Sunday, May 19, 2013

Unable to Express Our Minds!

Writer’s Block, a couple of words tossed around lightly to express the misfortune of a writer who can't find a few words to scribble down to meet his publishers quota.  
·        For the passing reader this means relatively nothing; they simple move on to another author.
·        To the writer’s fan’s this can mean an agonizing wait, hoping to find the next glimpse in to the author’s mind.
·        To the author… well… what does it mean?

I watched my son sit down to write a school report.  It doesn't matter the subject, the class, or the teacher.  Those details are meaningless… what does matter are the agonizing hours that follow watching him deal with the same troubling problem… Writer’s Block.

The worst part; in time that ebbed by I relived the many times I had sat down to write a school paper.  He’s a very smart kid, but the words just couldn't flow from his mind through his fingers to the paper.  Each time he sat down to right his fingers hovered over the keyboard for some minutes and then he would bounce up to go do something.  It might be: a trip to the bathroom, going to get a glass of water, starting to do some laundry, or any number of frivolous things.  But each time little to nothing was written.

When I saw his actions it dawned on me that what he was experiencing what the same thing I did… all the way through high school and on into college.  It’s simply tough getting the words to flow onto the page.

So many people say, “Just write whatever comes to mind.”  I wish it was that easy.

By the time I finished this short writing this is what I feel:
  1. Emotionally/Mentally exhausted
  2. Simplistic writing:  Nothing here fully matches the magnitude of the thoughts that whirl in my mind. 
Yet I smile... At least I have accomplished this!

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